We started Daytona Health for a very simple reason. Healthcare is amazing at fixing us when we’re broken but not great at helping us thrive and helping us avoid disease in the first place.
Healthspan is what we all really want. For us it means 3 things:
We created Daytona system to optimize your healthspan.
Just data, fancy labs, and gadgets arent enough. We need to use psychology and behavior science and a trained team to help you turn that data into empowering us to make real lifestyle changes over time so we can not just get healthy, but stay healthy.
Our team comes from healthcare. Now we’re focused on healthspan. And we have a passion for seeing people transform their lives. We use the latest team, tools, and science to make it happen.
Now it’s time to take control of your healthspan.
Ravi Komatireddy MD, MCTI
CEO and Founder Daytona Health